Treatment Centers by City
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- Pleasanton
- Seneca
- Ulysses
- Yates Center

Alcohol addiction and alcoholism are a real problem in Phillipsburg, KS. which the community needs to be aware of. Alcohol is a drug, the use of which has become extremely acceptable in society today. Because alcohol is a drug, individuals who lose control of their alcohol consumption can become addicted to it and suffer the consequences of such an addiction.
Individuals in Phillipsburg may turn to alcohol to solve their problems or to make their problems vanish for a few hours. Or someone may consume alcohol as a means to feel more sociable or in a better mood. While casual alcohol use is understandable in moderation, the problem comes in when a person can't have just one or two drinks but loses control of the amount of alcohol he's consuming. Someone involved in this type of behavior pattern is addicted to alcohol.
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism over time will leave a person in Phillipsburg, Kansas in poor health as alcohol affects every organ in the body. Additionally, someone who is drinking is not in their right state of mind and makes choices which can have dire consequences such as drinking and driving or being physically aggressive. The choices a person makes while under the influence are usually not ones that will make a positive impact on their lives. In the end, the individual will destroy everything in their life if they don't get help.
Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Programs in Phillipsburg are available to help individuals who know they need to make a change in their lives. Through counseling and support offered as part of treatment, individuals can find the answers within themselves to be able to kick their addiction.
Individuals develop a physical dependence to alcohol will if they have been addicted to alcohol for some time. They will experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking. Alcohol Detoxification Facilities and Alcoholism Treatment Facilities in Phillipsburg understand withdrawal, and will detox the individual as the first step of treatment. This makes this process as smooth as possible for the individual so they can get started on their path to sobriety.
Treatment options offered in Phillipsburg, Kansas vary, depending on the individual's needs. There are Long-term Alcohol Abuse Treatment Programs, Outpatient Alcoholism Rehabilitation Centers, Short-term Alcohol Addiction Rehabs, Inpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs, support group meetings, counseling, halfway houses and sober living.
If alcohol addiction or alcoholism in Phillipsburg, KS. is getting the best of you or someone you care about, get the help you need before it is too late. Contact an Alcoholism Rehab in Phillipsburg to find out which treatment options are available for you and get started today.
Alcohol Treatment Facilities in and around Phillipsburg, Kansas
- High Plains Mental Health Center Phillipsburg, KS, 67661
- Dream Inc Hays, KS, 67601
- Smoky Hill Foundation for Chemical Dep Hays, KS, 67601
- Kelly Center FHSU Drug and Alcohol Hays, KS, 67601
- Mitchell Cnty Hospital Health Systems Beloit, KS, 67420
- Pawnee Mental Health Services Belleville, KS, 66935
- Kerrs Counseling Concordia Concordia, KS, 66901
- Counseling Inc Ellsworth, KS, 67439
- High Plains Mental Health Center Colby, KS, 67701
- Thomas Cnty Alcohol Drug Abuse Council Colby, KS, 67701
- Contact Us
- Studies indicate that adolescents who consume alcohol heavily may experience adverse effects that disrupt normal growth and affect liver, bone, and endocrine development.
- An estimated one-third of youth begin drinking alcohol before the age of 13.
- Research on behavioral problems displayed by children of alcoholics has revealed some of the following traits: lack of empathy for other persons; decreased social adequacy and interpersonal adaptability; low self-esteem; and lack of control over the environment.
- Genetic vulnerability coupled with a variety of environmental factors is the cause of most types of alcohol dependence; it is important to note that an individual must first make the choice to drink alcohol in order for the condition of alcoholism to develop.
- Phillipsburg, KS. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings
Riverless AFG
1548 Prospect
Phillipsburg, Kansas 67661
Al-Anon Meeting Times
Mon., 7:00 PM
For more information, visit