
Do you or someone that you love in Salina, Kansas have an alcoholism problem and do not know where to turn in order to find a quality Alcoholism Rehab in your area? This uncertain scenario that is related to an alcohol addiction is all too familiar, not only in Salina, Kansas, but in hundreds of cities across the U.S. today.

There are many reasons why an individual in Salina many develop alcoholism, including a wide array of social and environmental factors. Peer pressure, depression, and anxiety could be some of the related factors causing an alcohol addiction; many individuals living in Salina may start to drink in order to temporarily forget about any of the unpleasant aspects of their lives.

The are many risk factors that are related to an alcohol addiction, including the numerous health problems that have been directly linked to alcoholism which can include heart problems, digestive disorders and liver problems; for these reasons alone, it is imperative that the individual from Salina, KS. should receive treatment at the first indication of an alcohol addiction. Alcoholism is known to create lasting effects, not only to the individual in Salina with the alcohol addiction, but also to their loved ones.

The best possible solution for an individual in Salina that has an alcohol addiction is to seek out an Alcohol Addiction Rehab Program for their alcoholism problem. Most people in Salina, Kansas with an alcohol addiction will not be able to stop drinking without the support of professional help. Trying to quit by themselves numerous times may actually be the factor that motivates an individual that suffers with alcoholism towards seeking treatment.

Alcohol detox is the first component that is administered in any Salina Alcoholism Rehab Center. An individual that is going through the detoxification process for alcoholism will generally begin to experience moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms within several hours of their last drink. For this reason, an individual from Salina, KS. with an alcohol addiction should always have the benefit of professional supervision during this difficult process. The trained staff at the Salina, Kansas Alcohol Treatment Center can help to alleviate some of these uncomfortable symptoms.

The various Alcohol Abuse Rehab Facilities that are available in close proximity to Salina may include residential inpatient rehab treatment, holistic rehab treatment, partial hospitalization, and outpatient alcohol addiction treatment or counseling, and just to name a few.

We make getting help for you or your loved one in Salina that is struggling with an alcohol addiction easy. Just take a brief moment to pick up the phone and call us; we will help you to get the immediate professional help that you deserve.

  • Contact Us
  • For each year that the onset of alcohol consumption is delayed, the risk of later alcohol dependence is reduced by 14 percent.
  • A 2011 World Health Organization (WHO) report profiled 193 countries on alcohol controls; WHO has concluded that alcohol approximately kill over two and a half million people a year.
  • Alcoholics cannot control their drinking habits and will often drink compulsively. Even when an alcoholic attempts to have only one or two drinks, they will typically find it impossible to stop and will wind up drinking much more than they anticipated.
  • Blood Alcohol Level of .05%-.06%: You feel warm and relaxed. If you're the shy type when you're sober, you lose your feelings of shyness. Your behavior may become exaggerated, making you talk louder or faster or act bolder than usual. Emotions are intensified, so your good moods are better and your bad moods are worse. You may also feel a mild sense of euphoria.
  • Salina, KS. Al-Anon Support Group Meetings

  • Al-Anon Alano Club
    New Adventure AFG (book study)
    140 S. 3rd (alano Club)
    Salina, Kansas 67401

    Al-Anon Meeting Times
    Wed., 6:00 PM

  • Central Kansas Foundation
    Salina Alateen
    1805 S. Ohio St.
    Salina, Kansas 67401

    Al-Anon Meeting Times
    Tue., 7:00 PM

  • Christ Cathedral Church
    Noontime Serenity AFG
    138 S. 8th
    Salina, Kansas 67401

    Al-Anon Meeting Times
    Mon., 12:15 PM

  • First Nazarene Church Northwest Entrance
    Choices AFG
    1425 S. Ohio St.
    Salina, Kansas 67401

    Al-Anon Meeting Times
    Thu., 11:45 AM

  • Sunrise Presbyterian Church
    New Hope AFG
    Roach & Beloit
    Salina, Kansas 67401

    Al-Anon Meeting Times
    Fri., 8:00 PM

  • Univesity United Methodist Church
    Serenity AFG (begginers mtg)
    1509 S. Santa Fe
    Salina, Kansas 67401

    Al-Anon Meeting Times
    Mon., 7:00 PM
    Mon., 8:00 PM

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