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- Ulysses
- Yates Center
- Solid Ground Counseling LLC
- Solid Ground Counseling LLC
is located at 323 North Kentucky Iola, KS. 66749 and can be contacted by calling 620-228-5392. Solid Ground Counseling LLC offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse
Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Services for Young Adults, Dual Diagnosis, Women, Court Appointed Client Services
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- Children who effectively coped with growing up in families affected by alcoholism often relied on the support of a non-alcoholic parent, stepparent, grandparent, teachers and others.
- Animal research suggests that brain cells destroyed by long-time exposure to alcohol can be reversed when the animal is abstinent from alcohol; this finding appear to contradict the long-held belief that brain cells, once destroyed, cannot live again.
- Denial is perhaps the hugest obstacle to getting help for alcoholism; the desire to drink can be so strong that the mind finds a way to rationalize drinking. Denial exacerbates alcohol related problems by keeping the individual from looking honestly at the negative effects of their drinking behavior.
- Research on behavioral problems displayed by children of alcoholics has revealed some of the following traits: lack of empathy for other persons; decreased social adequacy and interpersonal adaptability; low self-esteem; and lack of control over the environment.
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